(Hebrews 12:24) and to Jesus the
mediator of a new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better
than [that of] Abel. (12:25) See that ye
refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not when they refused him
that warned [them] on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape] who turn away
from him that [warneth] from heaven:
(12:26) whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised,
saying, Yet once more will I make to tremble not the earth only, but also the
heaven. (12:27) And this [word], Yet
once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of
things that have been made, that those things which are not shaken may remain.
I learned a new
word this month. Well, it’s not actually a new word, it’s quite old in fact–it’s
just new to me. Though the concept it represents is not new to me, I’ve always
understood what I could not put a name to, other than ‘baseline truth’ which is
clumsy at best and lame but was all I could come up with to explain what I knew
to be the state of actual being and what is true about anything and everything.
If I had been a
better student of Greek history I might have been introduced to the Greek word
for this most difficult to describe condition of truth as - ousia - pronounced oh see ah. To say that it simply means
‘to be’ is a complete over simplification because this does not dig into the
complex philosophy that proclaims that all things have a reality, a state of
being that is authentic, real and definite. Skewed perspectives and views,
fleeting cultural trends might perceive something as something else, but cannot
change the fundamental essence, substance or ousia of any thing.
In simple
vernacular ousia represents that something is what it is regardless what you or
I think or wish it to be. Some things are so misunderstood only God can know
what is true because humans rarely see the ousia of things as they actually are
anyway. We interpret what we see to suit our belief systems, experiences,
determinations to hold on to biases, prejudices and influences from other
sources. Sometimes those influences are decidedly wrong but, human nature being
what it is, there is such strong resistance to admitting to being wrong so
there’s little desire to see with corrected vision. And thus misconceptions go
unchallenged for periods of time.
I’ve been forced
to meet ousia head on occasionally. A time many years ago, possibly right after
electricity was invented, comes to mind. I was a project designer for a how-to
book producer. I designed all manner of things with all manner of media, from
fabric to wood. As an employee I was paid whether my ideas were great or not so
great. Given the weekly volume of new ideas that was my job to produce, not
surprisingly, not all projects were outstanding but the occasional really good
ones generally compensated for the stinkers, which, unfortunately, enabled me into
a misconception or false sense of fail safe.
When I moved on to
other challenges I unknowingly took this fallacious confidence (or arrogance)
with me. Ten years later I had the opportunity to discover that we don’t get to
continue on in what isn’t real if we want to grow but we have to be willing to
recognize this to see with new eyes what is and what isn’t valid.
Fast-forwarding a
decade through a litany of other kinds of creative work, one day I was told of
an opportunity to submit a project for a publisher. It was an insider path provided
by a friend who knew someone who knew someone. I quickly dived in and threw a
quick project together, typed up a brief synopsis of the instructions (which
was the only thing required of me in my previous work) and mailed it off,
completely confident that it was a done deal. After all, I was following my established
habit, what I believed to be true, from my old job and how it was before which, of course, turned out to be a serious blind spot that prevented me from seeing the ousia.
Even as I was
shipping the project off, I knew that it wasn’t my best possible work but then,
as in the old days, it was done quickly to meet the deadline and it was no
worse than the last minute got-to-beat-the-deadline-fill-in projects that I had
so often gotten away with before.
Had I stopped to
think it through and looked at the situation with fresh perspective, I might
have realized the person who would open the package would not know me nor my
previous work. Would not see the ‘potential’ in my idea. Would not recognize or
be impressed that I had been the Creative Director of a turn key book producer
and that I therefore didn’t have to do the actual writing of the instructions
because there was an editor to do that for me.
Nope. That simply
did not occur to me.
When the standard form
rejection slip came, I was pierced through. I have to admit, I took it hard. It
was a wake up call that I didn’t really understand for a few days and then,
worse than opening the thanks-but-no-thanks letter, when it hit me what
had just happened, I was utterly humiliated by my own hubris. The only thing
that consoled me was knowing that I’d never meet the person who received that
subpar project.
It was sometime
later, when the shame pain finally melted into long-term mild regret, that I
was able to harvest the lesson–the ousia.
They say, time
heals all wounds and wounds all heels. This is possible only because time moves
on and human memory fades along with temporary emotion. What remains then is
what is true, regardless how unlikeable it is. But it is what it is and only that
which is baseline true about anything–the unshakable ousia–survives.
If we really
wanted to live free from delusion we would start to question everything we are
told, whether in political matters or religious and look only for what remains
when everything else fails us.
For Him,
“…believers must
really take stock of their Christianity. Is it just a tradition, an assumption,
an external system, the thing which is common acceptance – more or less? Or is
it really ‘by revelation of Jesus Christ’ in the heart? A real walk with God,
and a growing knowledge
of Christ, a life in the Spirit? God has said it: the things which can be
shaken will be. What have we got that, being unshakable, will remain?” ~Austin T-Sparks