Sunday, July 18, 2021

R.I.P. Decency


Question: What does the demise of decency have to do with the rise of self-righteousness?'s complicated. 

There has never been a perfect time in human history. Let's establish that at the get go. Keeping it real, utopia is never going to happen here on earth and certainly not if left up to humans tasked with the job. All the beautiful words written, lyrics sung and good intentions mustered that tout love, love, love as the answer, are not going to get us there especially since modernity now declares there are all sorts of ways to define 'love' with SELF LOVE at the top.

However, believe it or not, there was a period, even in my lifetime, that love had boundaries delineated by modesty, morals, self-control and civil behavior. These represented a standard that most of society accepted as fundamental. It was a sacred commitment passed down from generation to generation. Parents taught their children how to be polite, respectful, modest and responsible. Sometimes it was faked but it did hold us in check for awhile. 

Of course there have always been those who are drawn to the dark side so immorality, pornography, vulgar language and gestures recognized as such by all including those that prefer the uncivil fringes and defiantly/proudly celebrate those as representative of their values. Nowadays even the smallest, most impressionable of our children are allowed to be exposed to this.

Definitions do matter though and when the values that are the glue that hold society together are diluted and thus allow society to fall apart at the seams, history repeats itself in the continuous circle that predicts its rise and fall. 

[This is the tip of iceberg, of course, and does not even begin to expose the darkest most evil elements of a civilization in fast fall which profits hugely from a worldwide sex slave market that holds hostage an estimated 40 million people including children. That's another dark topic for another day.]

However, on close examination, the one commonality among all things anti-civil has sexuality at the center in some way and seems to be the hub. Extremism and the gradual acceptance of anything that promotes, or worse, elevates human sexuality to a 'little g' god that permeates all thoughts, art, music, education, and human interactions is a well-practiced tactic of the evil one who despises all things Godly. It rises slowly in popularity because it feels so good but it is just another way self-righteousness disguises itself as righteousness. And this, without exception, always leads to misery. 

I am reminded of the movie It's a Wonderful Life when I think of the contrast between a civil society as portrayed by the town of Bedford Falls turned into Pottersville by the simple change in leadership. Art reflecting life. It wasn't just a fictional story. It was representative and what actually happens when society allows standards to be ignored in exchange for anything goes. Once society turns its back on God mandated decency it inevitably morphs to godlessness which is excused by the righteousness of self. 

The process is slow enough to be imperceptible until God is quietly replaced with the god of depravity. As each generation relaxes the rules further and sinks to another level of indecency, which is celebrated as the new definition of love as good, it seals its own fate and the rules that keep civilization civil end up under the heap of a fallen world. 

Once upon a time, the modern lack of standards of civilized behavior, that is the new normal, would have been called out and shamed. But it seems now everything is good and right so long as anyone is allowed to define good and right according to his/her own purpose. When everything is allowable everything becomes valueless. When anything goes, everything does.

And satan and his minions shout, 'Amen!'.

Another question:  What can we imagine that God thinks about all this? He does not change, so His rules don't change either. He does not morph with us or get hip or cool along with our modern perceptions of what is good and acceptable behavior. 

I watch helplessly as the world descends into self-righteousness becoming godlessness, knowing the pattern and what must come next. My only consolation is also knowing that satan is in no way equal to God and whatever must come was established long ago, just as were the foundational rules of decency. 

One last question:  How long will God allow this cycle to continue? How many times can we rise and fall before He says, 'Enough!' ? 

God does not want us to live self-righteous lives - He wants us to live in His righteousness. He wants us to admit that He is the only one who is righteous - our righteousness is as filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6). 

For Him,



Update:  I confess I labored over this post. It's a painful topic for me. It's also a multi-layered, complex topic. Evil has always existed but it feels as though it has been given the lead for now. This is bad news and good news because, even as things begin to fall apart and conflict and fear become a normal state of being, it also means that we are closer to conclusion. The most difficult, grief causing, part of this new normal is the desolution of families.  It was predicted:

51 Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. 52 For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three.53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

I added this update because this morning I read a commentary that nearly broke my heart and I thought I should add the link. It is something of a confirmation that I am not the only one seeing this rise in power of evil. The only weapon we have now is prayer. 

So pray without ceasing.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Virtue in the Era of the Great Delusion

 Oh! Great Big Sigh. . .

I'm wrestling with what has to be dubbed the 'NEW NORMAL' in the world of all things illusion. I don't like it!

I had my Tucson serviced a couple weeks ago. After receiving my 4th email request from the service manager to 'rate' my experience in social media I responded with this:

For the record, I have no complaints about the service I receive at Autonation. Everyone is always pleasant and helpful. I've used your service for 11 years so I think that is a record that speaks for itself. 

Here is my problem - and I am old so my perspective is somewhat archaic - I am quite over companies pandering for my good review on social media. I get that this is the new norm and that running a business nowadays requires corporations to be super hyper conscious of OPINION posting, not to mention virtue signaling that proclaims how good and charitable a company is because they donate to an iconic CAUSE. I did notice the banner in the service department thanking your customers for helping to cure cancer and old me did pause to wonder what that had to do with making good cars and keeping them running. 

Frankly, I really miss the days when a company just offered a good product or service for a competitive price. No need to tell me who or what the owners choose to support with their profits. Not my business, just as it is not the business of corporations to seek to coax me to join in with their chosen charities so I can be enamored with their goodness.  

And, further, no need to send me daily reminders that my opinion matters until I finally respond. I think this is the fourth one since I had my car serviced. 

I promise you that if I had a problem with my Tucson, or the service I received, someone would hear about it. That I don't do social media and am not plugged into the current stream of consciousness flow, my opinion has no place to go anyway. Even if I was not happy I would go straight to the source. 

I do understand that the employees of Autonation are under the gun, so to speak, to encourage customers to post good reviews so I suspect that this policy isn't coming from you. The CORPORATE machine, and the credentialed robots who are put in place to manage the flow of commentary because it is counted as free advertising, are also only doing what they were hired to do and following trend.

However, it does not have to be this way, (my husband does not run his business this way), but it is the trend now and I am tired of it. I don't believe I am the only one though I might be the only one who is willing to speak up. I don't expect it to change any time soon though, not in my lifetime anyway, but again, I am old so I think I have seen it all and how things do change. Change is the only constant in life. Sometimes, change is not so good for awhile and does more to hinder the advancement of civilization. It is what it is. We learn by experience.

You are welcome to pass this on to your higher ups - if you wish. Otherwise, it's just between you and me.   


A. Fields


He never responded so I let it go until this morning when I got an automated 'no reply' email giving me one last chance to post a few comments in Facebook or Google. I don't do Fakebook but I gave it serious thought to post this commentary on Google. Pausing with my finger hovered over the submit button I decided it would be like trying to bail out a sinking boat with a thimble.

Again...great big sigh...

For Him,
