Friday, June 3, 2022

Rock Meet Bottom


History teaches us that the slow slide downward often begins with one small push that guarantees a destiny with destruction. With the current rapid advancement of the decline of modern society, I think we may have reached the point of speeded up momentum. 


They say hindsight is 20/20 meaning we usually ignore the repeating patterns as they happen. Certain signs stand out like red flags though. Like child/human sacrifice, for example, which seems to be the hallmark of a doomed society.

I'm old enough to recall the original very gentle shove was the argument that abortion should be legal and therefore safe so that women who were victims of rape or incest or who had life threatening medical conditions would not be forced to kill themselves with a hanger or find a rogue back alley abortionist. 

The plea sounded so reasonable and included what most considered the rational caveat of 'in rare cases'. But once the downhill roll of all that is civil about civilization has begun, there is no stopping the inevitable progression. We are now at the point where the process is redefined and defended as 'women's health' thus killing millions to prevent a few from being stupid is logic kicked aside to facilitate the predicable collision with rock meet bottom.  

Decades into the descent of this dark hill we have evolved from early gestation abortion to vigorously defend killing full term babies, whether just on the verge of first breath or now even days after birth by the latest legislation proposed. 

Based on my personal experience of having been through pregnancy and childbirth three times, I keep asking the question - why would a woman go through nine months of pregnancy and then choose to kill her viable new born? No one seems to have an answer, not even a dumb one. I can think of very sinister possibilities that involve money exchanged. Clearly the billion dollar industry of selling human parts is somewhat impacted by reducing the number of abortions. But I struggle to dwell on those thoughts lest I sink into hopelessness.

I also have to wonder how it is that humans can be so much more compassionate and willing to go to great lengths to rescue animals even as fresh, viable human infants are considered completely expendable. 

What am I missing when I ask crazy questions like - why do those who rally to the cause of snuffing infants under the sanction of 'safe' abortion also demand that children should be protected from gun violence? In other words, why are some children okay to save and others can be stabbed at birth? 

I am forced to point out that My Body My Choice! is a cry roared in unison by liberated females unless and until it applies to women refusing to have ineffective, proven to be harmful, vaccines injected into their arms. 

So many inconsistencies and conundrums not to mention hypocrisy.

We are now so far down the slope, the pattern of extremism should be predictable, i.e., some now call for a woman having the right to determine whether or not her toddler is allowed to live. But that opens another question - a woman is granted the right to kill her child but can't object to what is being taught or done to the child whom she chose to allow to live?

What can be said of a society that has no problem snuffing the life of a full term infant, turning a blind eye to children being groomed for sexual deviancy, to mutilation by surgery and puberty blockers without parental consent or knowledge, to refusing to address the millions of children held captive in sex trade slavery, even while claiming that the only way women can be treated as equals is to give them the right to be 'safe' from motherhood? 

Even while allowing mentally ill males to invade the restrooms and sports of their daughters. Aren't they women too? It's not even safe to be a woman in prison anymore as all a male prisoner has to do is declare he is a woman and is then transferred to a woman's prison and then allowed to commit rape with no consequence.  


Tell me again, what is the latest definition of insanity? I am struggling to keep up here.

What does bottom even look like? When the questions pile up with no good answers are we there yet? Will we know when there is no place else to go? Will we feel the impact? Will some survive and be able to feel regret? Will we - can we - recover? 

Civilizations rise and fall and apparently the only way to stop the downward roll is to hit bottom.

If by Grace we get a re-do, this time, will we rinse and repeat? How many do overs do we get?

So many questions.

For Him,


For what shall it profit a man [or woman] if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?  Mark 8:36

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