Friday, February 11, 2022



The things we know, as humans, with our minds, are only part of what we could know and that which can only be fully learned through a mature spirit. We can declare, with all good intention, that God wants us to be forgiving and that is truth.  But someone who has been abused by another might sink deeper into the dark waters of guilt without the life raft of the 'why' offered. Based on interactions with others, it is not difficult to conclude good words are not quite enough.

On the positive side, embracing the act of forgiving in mind and spirit also overrides other toxic, soul-shrinking obsessions like being grudge-bearing. But how do we get to that place where we can let go and let God? The great accuser, satan, is always challenging us with well-crafted oppositional arguments using Scripture. We can push back though by knowing the greater context.

We aren't supposed to harm others (thou shalt not murder) but we can defend ourselves. Some have interpreted Scripture, like 'turn the other cheek', to mean we must be conscientious objectors. but history is replete with the heroism of God's people who dared to stand up to evil oppression and thus people died in the conflict. How do we reconcile this? 

How to bridge the conundrum between self preservation and submission in the name of forgiveness? The short answer on the big 'why' is - we are admonished not to judge others, to leave vengeance to Him, to ask Him to forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, even as we are granted the life preserving skill of discernment. 

The secret is - we need to want to learn how to hear the still small voice so that we can Do or Don't as the circumstances present. To know when it's okay to stand up against tyranny rather than submit.

It comes down to learning how to listen, obey and trust. Sometimes the act of forgiving is more for the health and well being of the forgiver than the forgiven. Put the heavy thing down and walk away. Unfortunately, the infinite variety built into the universe by our Almighty Creator is difficult for our limited minds to grasp. We want absolutes to define how we must be. 

That is why we need to be tuned into the spirit, not just the word. 

Sometimes, forgiveness is about choosing to love others from a safe distance, and that is okay. Sometimes forgiveness is about actively overcoming that which seeks to keep us silenced and without purpose. 

Discernment is the life raft that keeps us afloat.

For Him,


1 comment:

  1. Discernment is the life raft that keeps us afloat . . . Love that!!
