In the here and now, truly we need both courage as well as faith and hope. Courage is best built with tough truth, knowledge and discernment.
And open eyes.
I thought maybe someone else's words might ring the bell that ought to be rung so I copied excerpts from someone else's posits, who copied the original complete essay from someone else. It's an Internet thing. Thus the first author is unknown - to me anyway - but the words still matter regardless who says them.
Men, like nations, think they’re eternal. What man in his 20s or 30s doesn’t believe, at least subconsciously, that he’ll live forever? In the springtime of youth, an endless summer beckons. As you pass 70, it’s harder to hide from reality.
Nations also have seasons: Imagine a Roman of the 2nd century contemplating an empire that stretched from Britain to the Near East, thinking: This will endure forever…. Forever was about 500 years, give or take.
France was pivotal in the 17th and 18th centuries; now the land of Charles Martel is on its way to becoming part of the Muslim ummah.
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the sun never set on the British empire; now Albion exists in a perpetual twilight. Its elderly sovereign is a fitting symbol for a nation in terminal decline.
In the 1980s, Japan seemed poised to buy the world. Business schools taught Japanese management techniques. Today, its birth rate is so low and its population aging so rapidly that an industry has sprung up to remove the remains of elderly Japanese who die alone.
I was born in 1942, almost at the midpoint of the 20th century – the American century. America’s prestige and influence were never greater. Thanks to the ‘Greatest Generation,’ we won a World War fought throughout most of Europe, Asia and the Pacific. We reduced Germany to rubble and put the Rising Sun to bed. It set the stage for almost half a century of unprecedented prosperity.
Then we rebuilt our enemies and lavished foreign aid on much of the world. We built skyscrapers and rockets to the moon. We conquered polio and small pox. We explored the mysteries of the Universe and the wonders of DNA…the blueprint of life.
But where is the glory that once was Rome? America has moved from a relatively free economy to socialism – which has worked so well NOWHERE in the world.
We’ve gone from a Democratic Republic guided by a Constitution to a regime of revolving elites, one more corrupt than the other. We have less freedom with each passing year. Like a signpost to the coming reign of terror, the cancel culture is everywhere. We’ve traded the American Revolution for the Cultural Revolution.
Ivy League graduates routinely fail history tests that 5th graders could pass a generation ago. Crime rates soar and we blame the 2nd Amendment and slash Police budgets.
We can’t defend our borders, our history (including monuments to past greatness) or our streets. Our cities have become anarchist playgrounds. We are a Nation of dependents, mendicants, and misplaced charity.
Homeless Veterans camp in the streets while illegal aliens are given money and plane tickets and flown to cities in mostly red states in the middle of the night. Rapists, murderers and anarchists are set free with no bond and Americans who gathered to protest a stolen election rot in prison for over a year without even being charged. Even as thousands of Americans had to be rescued from Afghanistan by independent heroes because our government wouldn't, an Afghan 'translator' who cannot speak English can rape a three year old at the military base where he is housed because it's part of his culture.
A state government representative can, boldly and without question, introduce a bill in Maryland that makes it legal to allow a newborn up to 28 days old to be left to die. We rescue aged, diseased animals and post loving, heartfelt videos about their recovery in their 'forever home' but we have no problem allowing a fit and healthy human child die from legalized abandonment? Because... why? Human life has less value than pets now.
Our culture is certifiably insane. [Allow me to add demonic]. Men who think they’re women. Women are now referred to as 'bleeding or birthing people' and not a single feminist protests this clear disrespect. People who fight racism by seeking to convince members of one race that they’re inherently evil, and others that they are perpetual victims. A psychiatrist lecturing at Yale said she fantasizes about ‘unloading a revolver into the head of any white person.’
Instead of teaching children the basics of reading, writing and math, elementary schools spend more time on skin color and sexual identity.
Could you have ever imagined a time when a substitute teacher could be videoed by a student masturbating at his desk in front of his class? Or parents being put on the FBI's terrorist list for questioning their school board and the curriculum taught?
Our National debt is so high that we can no longer even pretend that we will repay it one day. It’s a $28-trillion monument to our improvidence, mismanagement and refusal to confront reality.
Patriotism is called insurrection, treason redefined, and perversion sanctified. A man in Blue gets less respect than a man in a dress. We’re asking soldiers to fight for a nation our leaders no longer believe in.
How do nations slip from greatness to obscurity?
- Fighting endless wars they can’t or won’t win to enrich merchants of war
- Refusing to guard their borders, allowing the Nation to be inundated by an alien horde
- Surrendering control of their cities to mob rule
- Allowing indoctrination of the young
- Moving from a government of a free people to an oligarchy
- Losing national identity
- Indulging indolence
- Vilifying faith and family – the bulwarks of social order. Legalizing killing our infants and future generations.
- Idolatry and abandonment of universal laws of morality
(Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
We condone and profit from global sex slavery even as we champion handing out reparations to people who were never slaves.
In America, every one of these symptoms is pronounced, indicating an advanced stage of the disease.
While the prognosis is far from good, only God knows if America’s day in the sun is over.
To which I must add - when we are at the end of something we rarely know it until it is too late to change the outcome. Only in hindsight can we see where we should have been paying attention. Civilizations rise and fall and it's not a question of if ...but when.
There is hope though and it comes in knowing, historically speaking, God always keeps a remnant. However, it is also pertinent to know that those who are counted among that ragtag minority first choose to serve Him regardless the clear and present danger.
For Him,