Friday, March 4, 2022

Evil vs Evil


Here in the Matrix we are conditioned to believe, in any story, there is always a protagonist and antagonist - Good vs Evil. We are easily manipulated by the carefully puked out narrative devised to expect that Good will win over Evil - as defined by those who are in charge of the script, of course.

Thing is Evil doesn't know it's evil. Evil has no conscience. Evil is self focused and self deluded to believe it is RIGHT and therefore knows how the story must be told as well as how it ends -with Evil on top. It's all delusion. 

But we believe there must be a right and wrong side to a conflict so we get sucked into the fallacy and then believe we must declare and champion a side. Here is a hard truth - when Evil has been allowed to be in charge there is no good side in the battle for first place. Those who are on the side of True Good are watching from the sidelines, in real time, the struggle of one Evil against another. 

My deep and abiding faith assures me that regardless how much power Evil has been allowed in a given time, Evil has already lost. They can kill my body but not my soul.

For Him,


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