Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sound Familiar?


I admit frustration - part of me is tired and wondering what is the point of speaking out anymore. Clearly the spirit of Self-Righteousness has the wheel at the moment - recklessly driving the bus closer to the edge of the cliff. 

Then God reminds me of all the men (and women) who gave their last breath to denounce tyranny. 

Okay, fine then. I choose not to be blind or silent. I'd rather be a vocal thorn in the side of evil than a silent facilitator. Eternity is a very long time. 

So, here goes... 

Milton Mayer, in his book, They Thought They Were Free, explored the question, "what would I have done?' by interviewing ten ordinary Germans after the end of WW2. In the time he spent getting to know these men, Mayer discovered what is intrinsically true about ordinary citizens during a slow take over of their lives and country, i.e., they often go along to get along, focusing more on their daily lives than on what is occurring in the secret agendas and determinations of those given the power to rule.

By examining the men's reasons for joining the Nazi party, why they chose not to resist, and how they reflect back on Nazism, Mayer convincingly demonstrated that while the German people did have a unique political culture and history that enabled the rise of Nazism, the Nazi movement or one like it could happen anywhere or to any people. 

Australia comes to mind, 2021.

After his year in Germany, Mayer concluded his ten Nazi friends could not admit that what had been allowed to kill millions of people, including all those who fought to stop Nazism, was bad. Almost all of his ten friends still talked about Nazism in a positive light. Herr Kessler openly admitted that while he considered National Socialism as a bad thing for him personally because he 'lost his soul', overall it was good for Germany. Most of Mayer's Nazi friends seemed to agree. None of the men expressed feeling any extreme guilt about the Holocaust, and on multiple occasions some of the Nazi men alluded that they were not fully convinced that the Holocaust actually happened.

Does this sound familiar?

“But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D.

And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way.” 

Milton Sanford Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-45 

Conclusion:  It is easier to fool someone than to get him to admit he was fooled is not just a terse quote. It defines the worst weakness of human nature - the inability to admit weakness - the root cause for the collapse of great empires. 

For Him, 


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Spiritual Immunity?

Hubs and I were chatting about this current ongoing war with the altered reality over the Covid vaccine, immunity, and the latest loud narrative that the only way to be safe is to get the jab. Even though the survival rate is better than most common flu. The call now is about how the vaxxed must be protected from the unvaxxed because the vaxxed are still vulnerable... or something. 

I'm sorry even in this dumbed down age that makes NO SENSE. 

Not to mention there have been a plethora of reported bad reactions to the jab, including death. People have died from covid, true, but the other numbers of all the ways people die, including the common flu are now summarily ignored. Only covid now dominates the statistics even as not a few of the deaths by vaccine have gone under reported which begs the question - what does health mean if not alive and well and immune to a particular disease?

I have often referred to the dynamic of action/reaction - measure/counter-measure when pondering the predictability of the human condition. So, given that the ACTION of declaring that protecting the vaxxed has not worked, now we see the new REACTION as we watch the puppets of MSM spouting their scripts declaring that there have been many eras when vaccines have been mandated, so what's the big deal about a vaccine mandate? 

Well, I can respond to that as I am old enough to report from first hand experience on this topic. 

In my youth the small pox shot was required until small pox subsided, at least in 1st world countries, meaning it isn't ever going to be completely eradicated but they did get it under control. My personal experience with the shot was that it was tried 3 times on me and did not take so I was given an exemption. Did this mean I had natural immunity?

I thought about other vaccines that were required, when I was a kid, like the sugar cube dotted with the polio antigen distributed to every school aged kid in the 50s. No one asked if anyone could be exempt if they had had polio, which I did at age 2 in 1949 and got over it under the care of my mother. I only have a vague recollection of my family cheering me on as I took halting steps in the living room. Did I gain immunity? 

I also recalled there was no vaccine for measles, mumps or chicken pox when I was a kid. Not surprisingly I had all three. I still have a pox scar between my eyebrows. I especially remember my experience with mumps as it was Easter and I could not eat my Easter candy because it hurt to bite down. 

After roaming around in those memories I realized that my kids all had the MMR shots - in the early 70s there were only 8 shots kids had to get in order to be allowed in school. Now the vaccine numbers are in the 30s or 40s. [RED FLAG?]. And yet my kids still had measles and chicken pox and mumps. Amazing that I don't recall questioning that incongruity until now. My kids had the shots but they still got the diseases. [RED FLAG?]

But here's the big AH HA from my mental meandering on this topic - I took care of my kids when they were sick but I didn't get any of those ailments again. Apparently, all those years after I was sick, I still had immunity. 

I think that's explained by biology science. Or what used to be considered science, you know, the kind that exists in spite of corporate bottom lines.

Granted medicine has come a long way in the last 70 years - if you trust that nine out of ten doctors no longer support Lucky Strike cigarettes as being the smoothest smoke on the market. 

See what I did there? I eluded to any period in history as possibly being wrong about things. How about right now then? Can they be wrong about this new, rushed into production jab? Will we find out, to our detriment, years from now that so many were so wrong? Too late? It's happened many times before. And the lawyers have gotten rich for it.

Fast forward to today - over a year since Hubs and I had covid, I have a pretty amazing bit of 'science' to share. Hubs just had his annual physical and, out of curiosity, his doc asked if he could do a rapid antibody test. Results? 14 months after surviving covid, he still has the antibodies. 

If people getting the jab need to be protected against those who refuse, especially those who refuse because they survived a bout with covid and are better protected with real antibodies, what is the point? Is it time to start following the money? Or political agenda maybe?

I think what we need now is Spiritual Immunity to guard us against the rapid spread of the killer virus of UNTRUTH...

...and deliver us from evil...

For Him,


Friday, September 10, 2021

Just Say No


My niece called late yesterday. She said she was sadly missing Jo (my sister who passed last year) and being able to call her when she needed to vent or ask for wisdom from her mother. She said she was sad that Jo was gone but also glad Jo isn't here to see what is happening. 

We launched into a joint rant session, calling out the new god of Self-righteousness and its lieutenant minion, Hypocrisy. We got down to basics that ALL of everything that is unfolding now, clearly speeded up from daily to hourly madness, is completely attributable to satan pulling out the stops. Those in charge are drunk on power now. I cannot help but visualize the whore of Babylon riding the Beast in her drunken narcissism.

I told my niece that I have reached the place where I don't know whether to speak or be silent because I've been warning for YEARS that the day does come when those who refuse to see are blinded lest they see. In other words, they lose the opportunity to open their eyes so they remain blinded and then must reap the reward for their unwise choice. Has the door closed? I don't know. We agreed we should not stop speaking until we know for sure.

Most certainly what is happening, in real time, right now, is not about a pandemic or safety of humankind. Clearly when those in charge would kill us, refuse us medical treatment for any ailment because we refuse their mandate to 'be safe', the truth is blatant. 

In 18 months we have gone from counting those with Covid as being the numbers to follow and the ones whose blood should be donated because of the natural antibodies, to using percentages so they can lie with statistics and those who survived being vilified and tossed aside into the 'anti-vaxxer' camp, now known as terrorists.

Tell me again, how does this make any sense?

No, it's not about health or safety it's about seizing power and overlording and, in the process, destroying anything and everything that has to do with God.  

Didn't see that coming did ya? 

But it is the underlying truth here. Even as Christianity has been under attack from all sides, including within for centuries, it has never been quite this bad. A pretty clear tell for me. How much worse will it get before it gets better is the big question.

I told my niece that it is my opinion that when the system has been completely given over to the godless, we no longer can use the system to fight the war with dark principalities. In other critical eras we used human work arounds - like Corrie Ten boom saving hundreds of Jews by hiding in plain sight. But this is different - a different time and crisis. This time we need to step up to another way.

The day does come when we have to measure up to another level. We have to fortify our faith and trust so that we are fine-tuned to the still small voice because sometimes we are called to stand even when it might mean discomfort and loss. Case in point - the recent murders of the Afghan Christians by the now empowered godless Taliban. 

This time I suspect we will be prompted to do things we never imagined we would or could, which comforts me in a strange way. It causes me to consider that perhaps we were born for this, and if so, how can we not step up?

Centuries of speculation and debate about what The Mark of Revelation 17 would be has fogged over our spiritual discernment. We don't have to know what it is. We have to be able to trust that God will prompt us and then we have to be ready to respond.

I do believe this time we have to just say no to the world even though we must live here, we are not of here. Going along to get along isn't going to save us this time.

My spiritual instincts assure me that miracles do happen and those who hide in the light of Christ aren't always protected from worldly assault or difficulty but are fortified to face, with super natural strength, whatever the world throws at us. 

For Him,


How to tell the difference between righteousness and self-righteousness:

Those who are righteous hold to values from a Higher Source but do not demand that others bow to them. Those who are Self-righteousness judge and condemn anyone who does not hold to their values.   ~ Unknown

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Politics, Power & Money


Got this from Dave Rubin's Locals. I repost it here for eyes to see and ears to hear.


Be your own doctor: lose weight, exercise, eat right, take supplements like VIT C, D, and zinc and selenium


Posted from an anonymous healthcare professional by Lee Harvey Griswald

I retired from the healthcare field after 26 years. I was an infection control & surveillance instructor and worked with foreign health ministries, hospitals, doctors, nurses, sanitation workers, plant and mechanical engineers, and risk management departments. I’ve worked in field hospitals to the largest medical institutions in the world in 15+ countries. At the end of the day, I was a glorified janitor, but during my career I witnessed the Man Behind the Curtain and boy it ain’t pretty.

A few observations about our current state of US medical care, guidance we are being fed, and the pandemic.

1. Just because you have a Dr. In front of your name doesn’t mean you know everything even though you might believe otherwise. Doctors today are little more than union employees thanks to the Affordable Care Act and Medicare/Medicaid. It’s all about Group Think, and you either comply with the program or you’re cancelled and lose your career.

2.  Today, the half-life of medical knowledge is less than two years. Most anything your doctor tells you is probably wrong or soon will be.

3. Not every medical solution comes from a pharmacy and a hospital. We like to believe the US has the best medical care and on many levels it does, but it is amazing the scotch tape and kite string medical innovation that happens in the most impoverished corners of the world.

4. US Hospitals are little more than Risk Management organizations. It’s no longer about Quality of Care, but managing risks and profits. Hospital CEO’s are bean counters focused on managing costs and liability and not on improving patient care.

5. US Hospitals are the only American industry that can kill 120,000 Americans a year through Nosocomial infections and employ doctors that kill another 250,000 Americans a year though medical errors and still remain open.

6. Defensive Medicine has turned into “How many bills can I submit to the insurer and Medicare/Medicaid?” Patients are little more than Cash Cows today. Check in and be prepared for a long, excruciating experience of endless tests and procedures while hoping that you survive the ride. Fun times.

7. Big Pharma controls the show. They control the FDA, they control the drugs available and promoted by doctors, they crush any outside innovation or competition, they control the treatment pathway, and they are in collusion with the Hospitals and Insurers. And like lawyers, they all get paid regardless of the outcome and have about as much emotional investment in the outcome.

8. Healthcare Workers (aka Nurses and PAs) are the real doctors today. I found few that were not invested in their patient’s well-being and were at a minimum, as knowledgeable and capable as someone with a Dr in front of their name. They save countless patient’s lives from medical mistakes made by their “superiors”. They are underpaid, underappreciated, and treated with all the respect of a disposable tongue depressor. They are the heroes of this pandemic.

9. US Medical Research Universities are controlled by and a slave to their funding sources. They produce the evidence based research they are instructed to produce. They, like virtually all other research institutions in the US, are professional welfare whores. Deviate from the plan and the funding evaporates.

10. The current pandemic presented the perfect opportunity for the largest power grab in human history. Politicians have become doctors and doctors are quietly complicit in the process for fear of being cancelled. In private, most of the US docs (that I know personally) who are still practicing are at a minimum terrified by what is happening. The retired doctors that I know are apoplectic with what they are witnessing.

The pandemic has been used as a political divisive tool to control group think and behavior; the Racism Tool pales in comparison. Every socioeconomic class has been shattered and pitted against one another.

And for the record, I am not vaxxed not because I believe in the conspiracy theories but because I don’t believe in the “science” that has been presented. I pour though PubMed and countless peer reviewed studies every day – an old occupational habit. I have not found any evidence that compels me to line up as an unpaid experimental lab rat. In fact, there is mounting evidence to reinforce my initial skepticism over the “science”. Contrary to what Fauci has promised, the facts show we ain’t mass vaxxing our way out of this pandemic and may well be making matters far worse.

In closing, question everything and do your own research. I do not believe ANY of the pandemic data that is being reported in this country. Politics, power, and money are controlling the narrative…. as it always does.


[Personal addition: I am not vaxxed because Hubs and I had covid last year and survived and we are considered to have the best antibodies. Last year it was all about the numbers and those who survived Covid were admonished to donate blood. This year it's all about 'percentages' because it's easier to lie with statistics. All those covid survivors do not matter now and fall into the 'anti-vaxxer' category if they refuse to get the jab.]

We live in an age where truly everything is upside down and backwards, good is evil, evil is good. 

Even so, come Lord Jesus.

For Him,
