Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Spiritual Immunity?

Hubs and I were chatting about this current ongoing war with the altered reality over the Covid vaccine, immunity, and the latest loud narrative that the only way to be safe is to get the jab. Even though the survival rate is better than most common flu. The call now is about how the vaxxed must be protected from the unvaxxed because the vaxxed are still vulnerable... or something. 

I'm sorry even in this dumbed down age that makes NO SENSE. 

Not to mention there have been a plethora of reported bad reactions to the jab, including death. People have died from covid, true, but the other numbers of all the ways people die, including the common flu are now summarily ignored. Only covid now dominates the statistics even as not a few of the deaths by vaccine have gone under reported which begs the question - what does health mean if not alive and well and immune to a particular disease?

I have often referred to the dynamic of action/reaction - measure/counter-measure when pondering the predictability of the human condition. So, given that the ACTION of declaring that protecting the vaxxed has not worked, now we see the new REACTION as we watch the puppets of MSM spouting their scripts declaring that there have been many eras when vaccines have been mandated, so what's the big deal about a vaccine mandate? 

Well, I can respond to that as I am old enough to report from first hand experience on this topic. 

In my youth the small pox shot was required until small pox subsided, at least in 1st world countries, meaning it isn't ever going to be completely eradicated but they did get it under control. My personal experience with the shot was that it was tried 3 times on me and did not take so I was given an exemption. Did this mean I had natural immunity?

I thought about other vaccines that were required, when I was a kid, like the sugar cube dotted with the polio antigen distributed to every school aged kid in the 50s. No one asked if anyone could be exempt if they had had polio, which I did at age 2 in 1949 and got over it under the care of my mother. I only have a vague recollection of my family cheering me on as I took halting steps in the living room. Did I gain immunity? 

I also recalled there was no vaccine for measles, mumps or chicken pox when I was a kid. Not surprisingly I had all three. I still have a pox scar between my eyebrows. I especially remember my experience with mumps as it was Easter and I could not eat my Easter candy because it hurt to bite down. 

After roaming around in those memories I realized that my kids all had the MMR shots - in the early 70s there were only 8 shots kids had to get in order to be allowed in school. Now the vaccine numbers are in the 30s or 40s. [RED FLAG?]. And yet my kids still had measles and chicken pox and mumps. Amazing that I don't recall questioning that incongruity until now. My kids had the shots but they still got the diseases. [RED FLAG?]

But here's the big AH HA from my mental meandering on this topic - I took care of my kids when they were sick but I didn't get any of those ailments again. Apparently, all those years after I was sick, I still had immunity. 

I think that's explained by biology science. Or what used to be considered science, you know, the kind that exists in spite of corporate bottom lines.

Granted medicine has come a long way in the last 70 years - if you trust that nine out of ten doctors no longer support Lucky Strike cigarettes as being the smoothest smoke on the market. 

See what I did there? I eluded to any period in history as possibly being wrong about things. How about right now then? Can they be wrong about this new, rushed into production jab? Will we find out, to our detriment, years from now that so many were so wrong? Too late? It's happened many times before. And the lawyers have gotten rich for it.

Fast forward to today - over a year since Hubs and I had covid, I have a pretty amazing bit of 'science' to share. Hubs just had his annual physical and, out of curiosity, his doc asked if he could do a rapid antibody test. Results? 14 months after surviving covid, he still has the antibodies. 

If people getting the jab need to be protected against those who refuse, especially those who refuse because they survived a bout with covid and are better protected with real antibodies, what is the point? Is it time to start following the money? Or political agenda maybe?

I think what we need now is Spiritual Immunity to guard us against the rapid spread of the killer virus of UNTRUTH...

...and deliver us from evil...

For Him,


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