Sunday, March 13, 2022

How Close?

A long time bloggerite (I made that up) Linda Skelton, who did her best to abandon her call to write, recently blessed us with her keen observations titled - What Do I Want. As always she zeroed in on a critical point forcing one to dig deeper into the realm of a spirit led life goal. 

What is it we want from God? 

So happy to see her writing again, I posted a comment declaring all I can think of to ask God for is deliverance from evil, protection from tragedy and grace because we usually have no clue what we are doing.

Then today, I watched a video - 48 minutes well worth spending. And now I have a different question. 

What does God want from us?

I confess I've run out of words and ways to say them, to reinforce the stark reality of where we are in this time in history. Others with more clout than I are sounding the alarm but I fear too many don't want to hear. 

What does God want from us in the here and now? Push come to shove I think it might be unfaltering faith, perseverance and will to purpose which begins with opened eyes and ears. Discernment.

How close are we to World Government? It's probably just one World War away. How close is that war? Probably a lot closer than most people realize.

Fore warned is forearmed,

For Him,



  1. Meema, I appreciate the way you turned my question on its head. What does God want from us? The answer that pops in my head is much like yours. Always, he wants faith. What must I do to do the works of God someone asked...The work of God is to believe. Without faith it's not possible to please Him...And I think one earmark of that faith is eager expectancy for His return, a quality that seems lacking in the Body. Long ago Heaven was preached as a thing to be anticipated. Now it's a new earth. Jesus Coming was a thing to be eager and waiting for; but if we're comfortable here and now what's the rush... but now with the tide changing so fast and persecution looming perhaps our hearts will once again be stirred to long for Heaven as our Home and Jesus return as our great and blessed hope! Thx for your trumpet blasts, Meema. Also in my inbox this morning was this blast from Mike Pearl that echoes your own in some ways.. re: the Two Front War on Christianity. reminding us that while there is an assault from without to beware we are not assaulting each other from within. If ever we as the Body of Christ needed each other, it is now. Thank you for your words.

    1. Wow that was good. I noticed it was posted August 2015 - but it could have been written last week. One thing I know is that the slow slide is real and just because you notice what is happening doesn't mean it hasn't been in the works for a long time.
      Your post, btw, was great inspiration. I totally agree that if we can't hold together as Christians then we are up against a foe too big. We do need each other. Of late I have wrestled with whether or not it's time to stop speaking the tough words. It is so much easier to stay more focused on the encouraging topics. But then, I am reminded we each have a part to play. The feet can't do what the eyes do. I'm not sure I like being the bearer of bad news but the day does come when the storm on the horizon needs to be forecast, even if the sun is still shining.
      I especially appreciated this quote:
      "Syndicated columnist Cal Thomas said, “Something very strange, if not bordering on insidious, is happening to this country. There is no light and darkness, only color preferences.” For a generation or more, the trend has been to reject the concept of absolute truth and promote a philosophy of moral relativism. There are now as many “truths” as there are people, and all truths are respected except the truth that there is only one truth."
